Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ultimate Survival Guide

Living off the grid survival guide
Ever wanted to know how to survive in the wild ? Well look no further. The Ultimate Survival guide is here. This survival manual will teach you the needed skills to survive in the wild. From hunting to finding water, this survival guide has it all. Check out this manual today and get the needed skills to protect you and your family if the economy comes to a crash.
Before the existence of electricity, water purification, air conditioning and food production, people still lived long and healthy lives. They used the simple tools and survival methods that they were born with and they survived.
For hundreds of years mankind has survived on knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation. These skills are simple but forgotten. Without these important skills a human cannot survive on this planet. Here are a few of the skills covered in this in depth Ultimate Preparedness Library
  • Food Storage
  • Personal Protection
  • Off-grid
  • Medical care and treatment
  • Agriculture and Food Production
  • Animal Breeding
  • Hunting and Fishing
  • Living Off the Land
  • Meat Dehydration
  • Cooking
  • Natural medicines
  • Carpentry
  • Homebuilding
  • Metal work
  • Composting
  • Animal Medicine
  • Make Your Own Tools
  • Navigation
  • Weapons Development
While much of this knowledge has been lost through mankind's technological advancements, a lot of it still exists in basic form and is used daily. These important basic functions still perform the basic needs of mankind's survival on planet earth.
The basic skills once required to maintain a decent lifestyle only a hundred years ago are now taken for granted by a society dependent on just-in-time delivery and mass-scale food production. With millions of people already overwhelming the system by taking more out than is being put in, and geo-political tensions across the globe rising because of a battle for resources that has spanned the history of the human race, it's only a matter of time before something goes wrong.
In fact, every so often, somewhere in the world, it does go wrong. And when it does, people are often left impoverished and struggling to survive. But, despite whatever strife may befall a city, or country or continent, there are always those people who are able to adapt and change because of an already established knowledge base.
Whether it's growing food because the cost to acquire it from somewhere else becomes prohibitive, or being able to protect your land from looters during civil disorder, or having to evacuate your home and never come back because of a massive disaster - there are people who have been through it. They've shared their stories and the strategies that got them through hard times.
A Comprehensive Collection of Resources for Emergency Preparedness, Homesteading, & Living a Self Reliant Lifestyle
Becoming self reliant and acquiring the skills of our ancestors is not only a lifestyle choice that can lead to a sense of self worth, fullfilment and well-being, but prepares you for a time when the world as we know it today becomes difficult, if not impossible to sustain.
Most people simply don't see the value in learning how to thrive on their own and survive in an emergency, but because you're still reading this there's a strong possibility that you're not like "most" people.